
Fall in Japan

November 18, 2007 Fall Colors No comments


Late November appears to be the time for fall colors in Japan.  In the subway/train train stations, there are posters showing where the fall colors are and how much it costs to go there.

Visiting Kyoto with family, the Japanese maples were turning color in vibrant reds and oranges. Along the roads that tourists walk, the shops are decorated with leaves.

Walking back to the train station, the night was brisk – excellent conditions for fall colors.

Midwest Fall Colors

October 13, 2007 Fall Colors, Photography No comments

A patch of prairie grass alongside the road near I-90.

A patch of prairie grass alongside the road near I-90.

This year I’ve headed out to Wisconsin for fall colors.  The Sierras where set up to be disappointing this year early on.  Last winter had a low snowfall and the summer was hot.  One photographer in the Sierras in April commented that the snow pack was something that more resembled July’s.  As such, the trees were rather stressed this year and started changing early.  Some sites changing as early as late August. To top that off, in mid september there was some snow.


Burney Falls

July 8, 2007 Photography, Waterfalls No comments , , , , ,


A segment of Burney Falls. Its a quite large waterfall. Being so large, it is difficult to both capture its majesty and the beauty of the water cascading off the rocks.

I am writing this now as I clean up my supper at 10 p.m. – boiling water over a propane stove (the easiest way to get instant mashed potatoes off the walls of the saucepan).

Slowly, the stars are coming out (though the combination of looking at an LCD screen – even at the lowest level to preserve battery power and the neighbors four camp lights – at least its a warm color temperature with an even spectrum – the night before some other neighbors had some flashlight of some sort that was very bright blue that instantly killed anything resembling night vision).
