There are posts appearing that are from quite a bit ago.  Recently, I was rediscovered my old laptop that I had with me a number of years ago.  Along with some apps I had forgotten about, was an old copy of my ‘Domain’ file in iWeb.

When MobileMe disappeared, I had forgotten mostly about it and had also forgotten to extract the site from it before.  And with my life being hectic at the time, I had mostly forgotten about it.

While I had another one sitting around on the hard drive of the desktop, it was incomplete and lacked any of the ‘great unemployed road trip’ entries that had been recorded only on the laptop.

With its rediscovery of the laptop and pleasant surprise that it still runs… and the domain file can still be opened by my current Mavericks system I’ve started pulling old entires out of iWeb and migrating them into WordPress.

Some of the links are dead, or need to be updated… but for the most part its all working, and nicely too.  To any readers who happen to stumble across this, please be patient with the restoration of history.

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