I have a fondness for mustard.  Simply said, it is the greatest of condiments.  Unfortunately, I haven’t had the opportunity and guidelines to mix that into the recipes I’ve worked with.  I found a recipe for honey mustard chicken, but I wanted to try something with some more zing to it (especially after the bamboo and beef).

Instead of a honey mustard or honey and mustard combination (I had honey mustards, but none that caught my mind for this).  And so I pulled up some Jack Daniel’s Stone Ground Dijon mustard.  I spread that over the chicken over the onions and then smoothed it out.


I had enough surface area to try playing with another flavor on the same meal and so I pulled out two peppers and some scallions and added those to one side while leaving the other side with simply just mustard.

Unlike previous packet stile cooking, this recipe called for it to be open.  So, its open.   I’m curious how that will change the flavor.

The mustard was good, though I could find a better one.  Next time I try this, each strip of chicken will get a different mustard.  I’ve got enough to try with that thats not an issue.

With the ‘boat’ rather than the ‘packet’, it didn’t trap the steam and thus water.  The chicken dried out a bit more and the onions on the bottom were not necessary, though added a nice flavor to it.

Portion size, I would cut back a bit on the chicken (about half as much as I had) and pair it with a mashed potatoes.

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