steakandsauceI’m just trying a simple steak and teriyaki sauce marinade.  Two tablespoons – thats it.  I’ve put this in a vacuum sealed bag and have it in the refrigerator thawing.  I took moved the steak from the freezer to the fridge last night to start it thawing.  Now that it has, I’ll let it sit and finish thawing.  I tossed a few red pepper flakes in there to see if I can detect the flavor when it comes time to cook it.  Planning another pepper steak.

The pepper worked quite well.  I was able to taste it, even the few flakes I tossed in there.  I am also using a smaller red and yellow pepper.  Rather than the large bell peppers, small ones with very few seeds.  They are easier to cut up and portion than larger peppers that need to be stored properly once quartered.  One more thing I tossed in this time – water chestnuts.  They added a nice flavor and took on some of the pepper and some of the teriyaki sauce flavor.

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