Steak and Peppers

Steak and Peppers

So, I did the pepper steak again.  This time, with the correct cut of steak (sirloin) and teriyaki sauce rather than some soy sauce.  Finding I felt a lacking amount of biomass, I went with half a yellow pepper, half a red pepper, about half a dozen pearl onions  and two slices of a red onion that I previously had for the salmon. It need not be said, I am a fan of onions.

It worked very nicely.  I might consider reducing the amount of pepper and instead adding some other asian vegetables in such as bamboo shoots or water chestnuts.

Though, I’m not going to do this again until I’ve done something else with beef.  Glancing through the booklet, the barbecue sirloin packet looks interesting and I’ve already got all the ingredients…

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